FISHING CAT (Prionailurus viverrinus)

As the name suggests, the fishing cat can be found near man-made ponds and lakes on the estates surrounding Elbedda Ridge, where there are plenty of fish to catch. With partially webbed feet, they are good swimmers, feeding on fish, crustaceans, small reptiles and mammals.
In the past two years, they have been detected in most of WWCTs current study sites except in the Yala buffer zone. This is concerning as their presence has been previously recorded and they should be residing here given the various man-made lakes and waterholes dotting the buffer zone. Their lack of detection could mean reduced numbers due to habitat change but this is something that requires more investigation for confirmation.
Distribution: Throughout Sri Lanka, Northeastern India, Southeast Asia and small populations on the Indonesian island of Java.
Status: Vulnerable (IUCN Red List)