Grants/ Organizational Donors
Whitley Fund for Nature Continuation Funding (2022-2024)
Maubeuge, France (2020-2022)
Parc Animalier de la Barben (2020-2022)
Cerza (2018-2022)
Lanka Environment Fund (2020-2021)
Whitley Award and Whitley Fund for Nature (2018-2019)
WildCRU, Oxford University (2016-2017)
ZGAP Grant- Zootier des Jahres (2016-2017)
CERZA Conservation, Lisaux, France (2008-2019)
Zoo de la Barben Conservation (2018, 2019)
Rufford Small Grant (2015-2016)
Ammonite Productions U.K. (2011)
Le Parc des Felins, France (2011)
Peoples Trust for Endangered Species, U.K. (PTES) (2008)
Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society (2002)
Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, Government of Sri Lanka (2001-2002)
Individual / Private Sector Donors:
Vogue Jewellers (Sri Lankan Iconic Collection) 2022-2023
AYU in the Wild (2022)
Olu Tropical Waters/Rockland Conservation (2018-2019)
Alliance Finance (2018-2020)
Version Unique Brazil (2019)
Back of Beyond (2017, 2019)
Resplendent Ceylon, Dilmah Conservation (2016-2019)
Leopard Safaris (2010-2012, 2014-2015)
DDN Selvadurai & Individual Donors (2006-2007, 2018-2019, 2020-2022)
Jetwing Research Initiative, Jetwing Group (2001-2002)
Richard Pieris Distributors Limited (Arpico) (2001)
If you would like to contribute toward our Research and Conservation work, kindly click on the DONATE button on the Home page.
Past and Current Donors